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NEW! To learn more about what Mike does, and why, on the mikecanhelp.net video channel, click here.
I help students overcome academic struggles by focusing on ways
each student's strengths can be effectively applied to each struggle.
Understanding success as the key to motivation, the student and
I systematically identify and celebrate each achievement as we break
difficult tasks into manageable chunks for learning success.
Language Arts — All aspects, all ages. I delight
in helping a struggling writer organize ideas and find her/his voice.
With reading, we work to break information down into comprehensible
chunks, which we then systematically learn to process, analyze, retain,
and retrieve. I am trained in multi-sensory language instruction—simultaneously activating visual,
auditory and kinesthetic learning to maximize understanding
and retention.
Mathematics — All aspects, Kindergarten
through 9th grade. I am trained in Making Math Real techniques
for multi-sensory mathematics, but I use only what actually works for each individual student.
Study Skills — Note-taking, reading for
information, test preparation, organizational skills. I
help students explore various organizational and study methods
until they find the tools that best suit them. |
© Mike L. Miller 2008
web site design by Kristofer
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